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Learn Programming

  1. Programming basics: algorithms, data structures, control structures (e.g. loops, if-else statements), functions, and variables.

  2. A programming language: Start with one of the more beginner-friendly languages like Python, JavaScript, or Ruby.

  3. Web Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

  4. Version Control: Git

  5. Databases: SQL and database management systems (e.g. MySQL, PostgreSQL).

  6. Web Framework: e.g. Ruby on Rails, Django, Express.js.

  7. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts.

  8. Software design patterns and best practices.

  9. Testing and debugging.

  10. Problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

There are many resources available online to learn these concepts, including online courses, video tutorials, and documentation. Start with a beginner-friendly resource, then build upon your knowledge with more advanced topics.